Congrats! You did it. All that hard work you put in during law school, not to mention going through the whole licensing process, is about to pay off: you’re being called to the bar. And PrecedentJD wants to showcase you (and your gown) in all your glory.
As you post all of your awesome call-day pics on social media, tag PrecedentJD and we’ll feature our favourites right here on our site.
Here’s how it works:
1. Choose your best call-to-the-bar pic.
2. Share it on your favourite social-media channel and tag us using one of these handles:
- Twitter: @PrecedentJD
- Facebook: @PrecedentJD
- Instagram: @precedent.jd
And that’s it. Check back here during the week of June 26 to see all the photos.
Photo Credit(s)
Also found under: #lawyered call to the bar